Saturday, December 6, 2008

Help Me Buy a uniform so I can Go to School

January is the beginning of school in Kenya. Though Kenya schools are now tuition free, they are not fee free. In addition to fees, children must have uniforms to attend school.

Approximately $50.00 will purchase a full uniform for child.

I will be in Kenya in January. When I am there many children and parents ask me if I can help them buy a uniform so they can go to school.
As most of the funds are dedicated, there is precious little I can do for them.

If you would like to help a child attend school, please consider donating.

You may donate by clicking on the button below, clicking on the uniform donation button at, call 1-888-760-7943, email, or mail Expanding Opportunities, 84 Payson Road, Brooks, ME 04921

Your gift will be appreciated even after it is worn out and outgrown.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

GET A NEW VISA Card and Help Expanding Opportunities

Choose your card

Apply for a NEW VISA CARD and help Expanding Opportunities.
$50.00 the first time you use your card and a percentage of the sale each time after.

Click HERE to learn more

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


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